Instrumental Case in Polish

Instrumental Case in Polish

What is the Instrumental Case

The instrumental case is one of the trickier cases to master in Polish grammar. It is used to indicate an object as a means or instrument of an action. For example, when using a verb like "to write", you would use the instrumental case for the object that is being used to perform the writing:

Piszę długopisem. I am writing with a pen.

The instrumental case is recognizable by the endings added to nouns, adjectives, and other parts of speech. For masculine nouns, the ending is -em or -om. For feminine nouns, the ending is . For neuter nouns, the ending is -em.

Pronouncing the instrumental case can be challenging for non-native speakers. The -em ending is pronounced like "em" in English. The -om ending is pronounced "ohm". And the feminine ending is nasalized and pronounced kind of like "om" but through the nose.

Getting familiar with these instrumental case endings, and regularly practicing saying them, is key to mastering this tricky grammatical case in Polish. The instrumental has many uses beyond just indicating tools or instruments, which will be covered throughout this article.

Instrumental Case for Nouns

The instrumental case is used for nouns to indicate 'with' or 'by' in Polish. The endings used to form the instrumental case depend on whether the noun is masculine, feminine or neuter as well as whether it is singular or plural.

Singular Nouns

For singular masculine nouns, the ending -em is added in the instrumental case. For example:

  • chłopiec (boy) becomes chłopcem in the instrumental case
  • pies (dog) becomes psem
  • król (king) becomes królem

For singular feminine nouns, the ending  is added. For example:

  • dziewczyna (girl) becomes dziewczyną
  • rzeka (river) becomes rzeką
  • mysz (mouse) becomes myszą

For singular neuter nouns, the ending -em is added. For example:

  • dziecko (child) becomes dzieckiem
  • miejsce (place) becomes miejscem
  • światło (light) becomes światłem

Plural Nouns

For plural masculine personal nouns, the ending -ami is added. For example:

  • chłopcy (boys) becomes chłopcami
  • nauczyciele (teachers) becomes nauczycielami

For plural masculine non-personal nouns and plural feminine nouns, the ending -ami is added. For example:

  • psy (dogs) becomes psami
  • okna (windows) becomes oknami
  • drzewa (trees) becomes drzewami

For plural neuter nouns, the ending -ami is also added. For example:

  • dzieci (children) becomes dziećmi
  • koła (wheels) becomes kołami

So in summary, the instrumental case for Polish nouns depends on the gender, number, and animacy of the noun. The rules differ for singular and plural as well as masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns.

Instrumental Case for Adjectives

The instrumental case has specific rules for adjective endings in Polish. Here's an overview:

Rules for Forming Instrumental Adjectives

  • Adjectives that end in a consonant use the ending ym for masculine singular, ymi for masculine plural, ą for feminine singular and plural, ym for neuter singular, and ymi for neuter plural.
  • Adjectives that end in a vowel use the ending m for masculine singular, mi for masculine plural, ą for feminine singular and plural, m for neuter singular, and mi for neuter plural.
  • The rules are the same for both hard and soft adjective types.

Examples of Adjective Endings

Here are some examples to demonstrate the instrumental adjective endings:

  • wysoki (tall) - wysokim, wysokimi, wysoką 
  • czerwony (red) - czerwonym, czerwonymi, czerwoną
  • ładny (pretty) - ładnym, ładnymi, ładną
  • duży (big) - dużym, dużymi, dużą

Notes on Pronunciation

  • The y in masculine endings is pronounced like an i
  • The ą ending is nasalized, similar to om in English
  • The endings are pronounced smoothly with the root adjective

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Uses of the Instrumental Case

The instrumental case in Polish is used for the following purposes:

  • To indicate an instrument or means of doing something. For example:

Piszę długopisem. I write with a pen.

Podróżuję pociągiem. I travel by train.

In these examples, "długopisem" (with a pen) and "pociągiem" (by train) are in the instrumental case.

  • To indicate time or duration. For example:

Przed dwoma dniami spotkaliśmy się na kawie. Two days ago we met for coffee.

Pracowaliśmy całymi dniami. We worked whole days long.

Here "dwoma dniami" (two days ago) and "całymi dniami" (whole days long) are in the instrumental case to show the duration of time.

  • With certain prepositions that require the instrumental case in Polish, such as "z" (with), "przed" (before), "za" (behind), "między" (between), "nad" (above), "pod" (under/below), etc. For example:

Poszedłem z bratem. I went with (my) brother.

Stałem przed domem. I stood in front of the house.

  • In expressions of measurement, weight, value, etc. For example:

Nie mogę być koszykarzem z jednym metrem wysokości. I can't be a basketball player with one meter of height.

Z czternastoma kilogramami nadwagi nie mogę być tancerką. With fourteen kilograms of excess weight I can not be a dancer.

Here the measurements are put in the instrumental case.

So in summary, the main uses of the instrumental case in Polish are for instruments/means, time, certain prepositions, and expressions of measurement. It helps indicate how something is done or the circumstances around an action.

Instrumental vs Other Cases

The instrumental case is used for different purposes than other cases in Polish. Here are the key differences:

  • The nominative case is used for the subject of a sentence. The instrumental case is never used for the subject.
  • The accusative case is used for the direct object of a sentence. The instrumental case can sometimes be used for the direct object when the verb indicates using something as a tool or instrument.
  • The dative case is used for the indirect object of a sentence. The instrumental is not used for indirect objects.
  • The genitive case indicates possession or describes the composition of something. The instrumental does not indicate possession.
  • The locative case describes location. The instrumental case does not refer to location.
  • The vocative case is used when directly addressing someone. The instrumental is not used for addressing.

Some examples of when to use the instrumental case rather than another case:

  • Use instrumental for the object of a verb that implies using something as a tool/instrument:
    • Pisać długopisem (to write with a pen).
  • Use instrumental after certain prepositions like z (with), przed (before), za (behind), pod (under), nad (above).
  • Use instrumental for time expressions telling when an action happens:
    • rankiem (in the morning), latem (in the summer)
  • Use instrumental for the object of negation in sentences with nie ma (there is no/there isn't):
    • Poza mlekiem, w lodówce nie ma nic. (Aside from milk, there is nothing in the refrigerator).

So in summary, the instrumental case has specific uses different from other cases. It indicates how something is used as a tool or instrument, or gives time and context for an action.

Pronouns in the Instrumental Case

Pronouns in Polish also take the instrumental case endings. The rules for forming the instrumental case of pronouns generally follow the same patterns as nouns and adjectives.

Here are the instrumental case pronoun endings:

  • Personal pronouns like ja, ty, on, ona, ono add ą to form the instrumental. For example:
    • ja -> mną
    • ty -> tobą
    • on -> nim
    • ona -> nią
    • ono -> nim
  • The instrumental form of the reflexive pronoun siebie is sobą.
  • For the demonstrative pronouns ten, ta, to the endings are ym, -ą, -ym. For example:
    • ten -> tym
    • ta ->
    • to -> tym
  • The instrumental forms of the possessive pronouns mój, twój, jego, jej, etc., follow the same patterns as adjectives. For example:
    • mój -> moim
    • twój -> twym
    • jego -> jego
    • jej -> jej
  • The instrumental forms of the interrogative pronouns kto, co, który are kym, czym, którym, respectively.

These pronoun endings are crucial to expressing actions, means, or instruments involving pronouns in Polish sentences. They align with the grammatical rules governing the instrumental case for nouns and adjectives.

Mastering the Instrumental Case

In conclusion, the instrumental case in Polish adds depth and precision to expressions involving tools, means, time, and certain prepositions. Its distinct uses set it apart from other cases, offering a nuanced way to convey actions and circumstances.

To truly master the instrumental case, regular practice and exposure to varied contexts are essential. Engage in conversations, read diverse texts, and apply the rules consistently. Whether you're describing how you write with a pen, specifying the duration of an activity, or indicating collaboration with others, the instrumental case provides the linguistic tools to articulate these nuances effectively.

Ready to delve deeper into the intricacies of the instrumental case and elevate your Polish language skills? Enroll in lessons with our proficient native speakers. Our expert instructors are dedicated to guiding you through the complexities of the instrumental case, ensuring a comprehensive understanding and practical application.

If you prefer a self-paced, on-demand approach, explore our online courses. Tailored for learners seeking a deeper grasp of the instrumental case, this course offers online lessons and exercises to empower you in mastering this challenging aspect of Polish grammar. Happy learning!


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